REET RTET prectice set 6 PDF

 REET prectice set 6 PDF, RTET prectice set 6 PDF 

विषय - बाल विकास एवं शिक्षा-शास्त्र , English , हिन्दी , गणित एवं विज्ञान 

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Direction (Question no. 61 to 65) : Read the passage given below and Answer all the questions based on the passage. 

It was only a sporting mood that made Sami enter the gates, Usually he avoided these big places where people were haughty, aloof and inaccessible, and kept formidable dogs and servants, He went up hesitatingly, expecting to be shouted off any moment, when he Saw a servant coming towards him, Sami held the monkey tight and turned to flee, but the servant caught him and poured out a volley of words. Sami indicated that he could not hear, whatever the servant explained by sigus that the master of the house wanted the monkey to be brought up before him. 

61. What is not true in the first line of the passage? 

(1) that is used as a subordinate conjunction 

(2) that joins two clauses 

(3) that connects two separate phrases 

(4) that is used as a conjunction 

Ans (4) that is used as a conjunction 

62. Which word is used as a sentence connector to make a continuity, naturalness and cohesion of the sentences in the passage?

(1) that 

(2) and 

(4) whatever 

(3) usially 

Ans (4) whatever 

63. Sami entered the gates of a big bungalow because 

(1) he was attracted by its loveliness 

(2) he wanted to speak to the owner 

(3) he was invited by the owner 

(4) he was in a sporting mood 

Ans (4) he was in a sporting mood

64. When Sami Saw a servant coming towards him? 

(1) he turned to run away. 

(2) he stood motionless. 

(3) he moved forward hesitatingly. 

(4) he made the monkey turn on the servant. 

Ans (1) he turned to run away. 

65. The servant explained to Sami by signs because 

(1) the servant was dumb. 

(2) the servant wanted to be thought deaf. 

(3) he come to know that Sami was deaf. 

(4) he did not like his words to be heard by his master. 

Ans (3) he come to know that Sami was deaf.

Direction (Question No. 66 to 70) : Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow: 

I have seen dawn and sunset on moors and windy hills Coming in solemn beauty like slow old tunes of Spain : I have seen the lady April bringing the daffodils Bringing springing grass and the soft warm April rain. I have heard the song of the blossonms and the old chant of the sea. And seen strange lands from under the arched white sails of ships : But the loveliest things of beauty God ever has showed to me Are her voice, and her hair, and eyes, and the dear red curve of her lips. 

66. "Like slow old tunes of Spain" is an example of- (1) metaphor 

(2) personification

(3) simile 

(4) assoance

ANS (3) simile 

67. "Ships" of line 6 rhymes with- 

(1) "Spain" (line 2) 

(3) "sea" (line 5) 

(2) "lips" (line 8) 

(4) "daffodils" (line 3) 

Ans (2) "lips" (line 8) 

68. The use of 'okl' in "Old chant of the sea" tells us that- 

(1) the chant was popular in the past 

(2) the sea is no longer young 

(3) the chant has been there for a long time 

(4) the sea has been singing an old song 

Ans (3) the chant has been there for a long time

69. Which of the folowing lines shows that the speaker has travelled a lot on the seas? 

(1) Line 2 ("Coming in ...") 

(2) Line 4 ("Bringing.") 

(3) Line 6 ("And seen ...") 

(4) Line 5 ("I have heard ...") 

Ans (3) Line 6 ("And seen ...") 

70. The most beautiful thing God has shown to the speaker in the poem is 

(1) Lady April 

(2) His beloved

(3) Soft warm rain  

(4) Daffodils 

Ans (2) His beloved 

71. To live a life half-dead, a living death' is a statement which uses a literary device called-

(1) transferred epithet 

(2) oxymoron 

(3) metaphor

(4) personification  

Ans (2) oxymoron 

Exp : The phrase 'living death' is an oxymoron since it combines two opposite ideas to create an effect. 

72. Many of us believe that science is something modern ....... the truth is otherwise. 

(1) unless 

(2) though 

(3) if 

(4) as if 

Ans (2) though 

इस रिक्त स्थान में Conjunetion 'though' का प्रयोग उचित है 

73. Bread and butter wholesome food. 

(1) is 

(2) are 

(3) was 

(4) were

Ans (1) is 

74. " O my love's like a red , red rose . " The figure of speech used here is 

( 1 ) Metaphor 

( 2 ) Simile 

( 3 ) 2Personification 

( 4 ) Oxymoron 

 Ans ( 2 ) Simile 

75. In the word ' flower ' , the phonetic transcription is 

( 1 ) / fleur /

 ( 2 ) / flaever / 

( 3 ) / flauer / 

( 4 ) / flovr / 

Ans ( 4 ) / flovr / 

76. The peasant rebellion was ......... ..with a high hand by the Emperor 

( 1 ) put off 

( 2 ) put away 

( 3 ) put back 

( 4 ) put down 

Ans ( 4 ) put down 

व्याख्या - रिक्त स्थान में विकल्प ( 4 ) put down अर्थात suppress ; control दबा देना ; बलात् कुछ रोक देना का प्रयोग उचित होगा । 

77. If I had known it was your birthday , I ... baked a cake . 

( 1 ) would have 

( 2 ) will have 

( 3 ) have 

( 4 ) would not have

 Ans ( 1 ) would have 

व्याख्या - रिक्त स्थान में विकल्प ( 1 ) ' would have ' का प्रयोग उचित होगा । यह Modal auxiliary I YETUS UE will have ' Past Tense रूप में प्रयुक्त हुआ है । 

78. Chetan is very upset because the new manager always picks on him . 

( 1 ) advises 

( 2 ) warns severely 

( 3 ) selects 

( 4 ) treats badly 

 Ans ( 4 ) treats badly 

व्याख्या - रेखांकित वाक्यांश का तात्पर्य विकल्प ( 4 ) ' treats badly ' ; to treat somebody unfairly , by blaming , criticizing or punishing them . अर्थात किसी के साथ दुर्व्यवहार करना होगा ।

79. I have recently changed my job and I am going to have teething problems . 

( 1 ) difficulties at the start 

( 2 ) difficulties at the end 

( 3 ) difficulties all the time 

( 4 ) problem with may teeth 

Ans ( 1 ) difficulties at the start 

व्याख्या - रेखांकित वाक्यांश ( Idioms / Phrases ) का तात्पर्य विकल्प ( 1 ) difficulties at the start ; small problems that a company , product , system etc. has at the beginning , Stefan चरणों में छोटी कठिनाइयां होगा ।

 80. The soldiers fought tooth and nail to save their country . 

( 1 ) using umfair means 

( 2 ) with strength and fury 

( 3 ) with weapons 

( 4 ) as best as they could

 Ans ( 2 ) with strength and fury 

व्याख्या - रेखांकित वाक्यांश ( Idioms / Phrase ) का तात्पर्य विकल्प ( 2 ) ' with strength and fury ' ; with great energy ; violently ; As if attacking both with the teeth and with the nails . 3rerfar पूरी शक्ति से लड़ना होगा । 

81. Subvocalisation is a 

( 1 ) psychological problem 

( 2 ) pronunciation problem 

( 3 ) neurological problem 

( 4 ) reading problem • 

Ans ( 4 ) reading problem 

Exp : Sub vocalisation means speaking the words while realing them . Students who have this habit tend to red word by word , which slows down their reading speed .

82. Reading for comprehension can be best achieved through- 

(1) helping learners speak words softly while reading (2) learners reading silently and asking comprehension questions 

(3) teaching learners to run a finger or pencil under the line being read 

(4) asking the children to read the text aloud 

Ans (4) asking the children to read the text aloud 

Exp : Reading aloud a comprehension enables the students to read with the help of expressions, proper pronunciation, correct articulation, stress, intonation and rhyme. 

83. Which of the following is not a language skill? 

(1) Thinking 

(2) Listening 

(3) Writing 

(4) Reading 

Ans (1) Thinking 

Exp : Thinking is not a language skill. It is a mental process. 

84. After a storytelling session, the learners are asked to change the ending of the story. This will help the learners- 

(1) develop library reference skills 

(2) evaluate the teacher's originality 

(3) become imaginative and creative 

(4) understand grafe-eh-ar better •

Ans (3) become imaginative and creative

 Exp : Such a task will enhance the imaginative and creative power of learners. It will also build their interest in the story.

85. To inculcate a " Never Give Up Attitude ' , a suitable activity is the one where students 

( 1 ) sing two popular songs and exhibit some of their art and craft works during the parent - teacher meet 

( 2 ) make modifications to their paper planes and test them again , experimenting with the best way to get them fly a long distance and share their findings 

( 3 ) in groups create graphs about the difficult situations that they have faced in life 

( 4 ) manage to get the Principal's permission to go out and play during the English period 

 Ans ( 2 ) make modifications to their paper planes and test them again , experimenting with the best way to get them fly a long distance and share their findings

 Exp : The ' never give up attitude ' means ' to keep trying and never stop working ' . It is an expression that a teacher must use to motivate his / her students during the teaching - learning process . To inculcate this , a suitable activity would be to make students modify their paper planes before testing them and share their findings 

86. One way of helping students improve their spelling is through the .......... reading method . 

( 1 ) extensive 

( 2 ) intensive 

( 3 ) imitation 

( 4 ) silent

 Ans ( 1 ) extensive

Exp : A teacher should use the extensive reading method for teaching the English language . This method helps students get familiar with a lot of words and also improves their spellings .

87. In the Indian scenario , which language is regarded as a second language ? 

( 1 ) Hindi

( 2 ) Urdu 

( 3 ) English 

( 4 ) Sanskrit 

 Ans ( 3 ) English 

Exp : In India , English is not only considered a second language , but also the official language of the country . 

88. Regression is a 

( 1 ) reading problem 

( 2 ) psychological problem 

( 3 ) neurological problem 

( 4 ) physical 

Ans ( 1 ) reading problem 

Exp : Regression refers to the tendency of the eyes to move backwards over printed material instead of moving forward while reading . Readers develop this habit in order to double - check the content . This also tends to slow down the reading spood . 

89. A child studying in Class - III says : " I drankel the water . " It indicates that the child 

( 1 ) has not learnt grammar rules properly 

( 2 ) should memorise the correct sentence 

( 3 ) has over - generalised the rule for making past tense verbs , showing that learning is taking place 

( 4 ) is careless and needs to be told that she should be conscious of such errors 

Ans ( 3 ) has over - generalised the rule for making past tense verbs , showing that learning is taking place 

Exp : It becomes a challenge for children to remember grammar rules along with their exceptions . Due to this , they tend to over generalise the rules and make mistakes . In this situation also , the same thing has happened .

90. As part of a class project, a teacher planned a salad fruit celebration day in which all learners needed to participate. The boys protested as they felt that boys do not cook. The teacher should 

(1) ignore such protests and tell the boys what she thinks of their bias

(2) complain to the head of the school seeking action against the boys 

(3) make an attempt to counsel the boys, impressing upon them that gender stereotyping is not healthy 

(4) respect the sentiments of the boys and allow them not to participate in the class project 

Ans (3) make an attempt to counsel the boys, inmpressing upon them that gender stereotyping is not healthy 

Exp : The teacher should encourage or motivate the boy by providing proper counselling to them. The teacher should also tell them that gender stereotyping is not the correct way of living.


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