Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 English Sanskrit department psychology and pedagogy

Question . The nature of educational psychology is - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] normative science 

[ B ]  physical science 

[ C ] positive science 

[ D ]  natural science 

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question. Which of the following content is not included in the psychology of teaching- learning? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] nature of learning process 

[ B ]  nature of education system 

[ C ] motivation and transfer of learning 

[ D ]  nature and characteristics of learner

ANS  :  [ B ]

 Question. The most important focal area in education that concerned educational psychologists and teachers pointed is is one - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] the learning situation 

[ B ]  the learning process 

[ C ] the learning environment

[ D ]  the learner 

ANS  :  [ D ]

Question. Which of the following is not included in importance of educational psychology of teachers - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] selecting and organising the content matter 

[ B ]  knowledge of total covert behaviour 

[ C ] knowledge of effect of heredity and environment 

[ D ]  knowledge of of problem of classroom learning

ANS  :  [ B ]

Question. The piagetian stage in which child construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with motor action is - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Sensorimotor stage 

[ B ]  Pre operational stage 

[ C ] concrete operational stage

[ D ] formal operational stage

ANS  :  [ A ]

Question. Which of the following is not a characteristics of psychological growth and development of the adolescents? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Co-ordination of muscles 

[ B ]  growth spurt 

[ C ] secondary sexual characteristics 

[ D ]  onset of puberty

ANS  :  [ A ]

Question . Which of the following characteristics of adolescence marked according to the erikson's theory of psychological stages- (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Initiative versus guilt 

[ B ]  industry versus inferiority 

[ C ] identity verses identity confusion 

[ D ]  intimacy versus isolation

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question- According to kohlberg individual at this level move beyond unquestioning support for the laws and rules of their own society - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Pre- convictional 

[ B ]  convictional

[ C ] post- convictional

[ D ]  re- convictional

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question- Which of the following statement is not correct about the nature of emotion and its development- (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] emotions aroused by external stimuli. 

[ B ]  emotional expressions modified by learning 

[ C ] emotions are form of energy mobilisation 

[ D ]  emotions are permanent states of the organism

ANS  :  [ D ]

Question. Which of the following is an appropriate principle of development? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] all individuals are same 

[ B ]  definite and predictable pattern 

[ C ] early foundations have not effect 

[ D ]  a process of specific to general proceeding

ANS  :  [ B ]

Question. The characteristics of behaviour concept of learning is- (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Heredity is a much more important than environment 

[ B ]  consciousness is the subject for scientific study 

[ C ] an objective history of behaviour 

[ D ]  introspection as the method of studying behaviour

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question. Which of the following is a not a constructivist view of learning? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Learning is a passive receptive process

[ B ]  learning is facilitated by social interaction 

[ C ] new learning depends on learners previous knowledge 

[ D ]  learning is an active meaning making process 

ANS  :  [ A ]

Question. Role of learner according to constructivist learning is a not reflected in- (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ]  student gives predictions about phenomenon

[ B ]  student designs experiments to test his /her own ideas. 

[ C ] student compares the finding and result with other

[ D ]  student gives the responsibility of learning to other 

ANS  :  [ D ]

Question. Cognitive approach of learning in mainly emphasis on - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] recall the facts

[ B ]  memory and thinking 

[ C ] memorize the information

[ D ]  development of good habits 

ANS  :  [ B ]

Question. According to vygotsky the range of tasks that are too difficult for children to master alone but that can be mastered with guidance and assistance from adults or more skilled children is called - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] scaffolding

[ B ]  zone of proximal development

[ C ] metacognitive awareness

[ D ]  hypothetical deductive reasoning

ANS  :  [ B ]

Question. Which of the following is the most effective teaching learning material or experience according to Edgar Dale- (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] contrived experience

[ B ]  demonstration of experiment 

[ C ] Motion Pictures 

[ D ]  visual symbols

ANS  :  [ A ]

Question. Student face is adjustment problems with his her classmate. which of the following type of guidance can assist him/her effectively? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] educational guidance only 

[ B ]  vocational guidance only 

[ C ] personal- social guidance 

[ D ]  educational and vocational guidance

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question. Which of the following is correct sequence of the steps of system approach? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] system design ➡️system analysis➡️ system operation and evaluation

[ B ] system operation and evaluation➡️ system design ➡️system analysis

[ C ] system analysis➡️ system design➡️ system operation and  evaluation

[ D ]  system analysis➡️ system operation and evaluation ➡️system design

ANS  :  [ D ]

Question.  Which of the following is a not mainly focuses on the advance organiser model of Auscibel ? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Helping teachers in their method of presentation of the subject matter. 

[ B ]  focuses on the adoption of an enquiry approach in content. 

[ C ] organising and conveying a large amount of information meaningfully. 

[ D ] helping learner to to strengthen their existing Cooperative structures. 

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question. Which of the following is internal barrier of communication - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] invisibility 

[ B ]  physical discomfort 

[ C ] feeling of insecurity 

[ D ]  competition among the participant

ANS  :  [ B ]

Question.What is the role of the learner in a socio constructivist lesson? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] To work individually on all assignments

[ B ]  to abide by the parameters enforced by the teacher

[ C ] to follow the the instruction given by the teacher 

[ D ]  to combine previous experiences with new experiences

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question. When a student attend school online this is called - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] virtual reality 

[ B ]  virtual learning 

[ C ] reference information

[ D ] virtual School 

ANS  :  [ D ]

Question. Who said "adolescence is a period where growing person makes transition from childhood to maturity" - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Stanley hall

[ B ] jersield

[ C ] crow and crow 

[ D ]  E. K. Kirkpatric

ANS  :  [ B ]

Question. Example of software is - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] mouse 

[ B ]  keyboard 

[ C ] PowerPoint 

[ D ] scanners 

ANS  :  [  ]

Question.  A behaviour pattern involving is self starvation that often arises in adolescence and especially among girls is known as - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] down syndrome

[ B ]  deliriumtremens

[ C ] anorexia nervosa

[ D ]  autism

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question. The conclusion 'children can learn violent behaviour depicted in movies' may be derived on the basis of the work done by which of the following psychologist - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Jean piaget 

[ B ]  Albert bandura 

[ C ] J. B. Watson 

[ D ]  E. L. thorndike 

ANS  :  [ B ]

Question.  What is the meaning of  CAI?  - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Computer aided instruction 

[ B ]  Computer aided instrument 

[ C ] Computer aided institution 

[ D ] computer aided information

ANS  :  [ A ]

Question. Which of the following is a not an advantage of cooperative learning ? - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] build positive relationship among students 

[ B ]  provide experiences that develop a good learning

[ C ] some students may not do their fair share of work 

[ D ] greater intrinsic motivation

ANS  :  [ C ]

Question. The book " Emotional intelligence" is written by - (Sanskrit department  Rpsc school lecturer 2018 - 20 - English )

[ A ] Daniel goleman 

[ B ]  Peter salovey

[ C ] John Mayer

[ D ]  Howard Gardner

ANS  :  [ A ]

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